Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Finished our two plumbing projects before noon so we took a tour of Cory's gardens. The vegetation grows at an amazing rate. His workers were harvesting some bamboo that he planted chutes only a
1 1/2 yrs. ago. They were 20' to 30' long. He will give these away to pastors and neighbors.
He has over 2 dozen variety of banana trees growing. The tree fruits once in a lifetime but usually has 3 or 4 plants that seed and grow around it, taking 1 1/2 year to bear a bunch. Other fruit that he is growing; breadfruit, coconuts, grapefruit, avocado, oranges, mango....that I know.
Worked on a shoe rack and played volleyball in the afternoon with the kids.
Wow did I need a shower and the sisters was full.....all the water for everything is gravity feed.

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