Monday, January 28, 2013


Visited the school this morning and they requested some room dividers and a cabinet hutch for school supplies. We also ordered some PVC for some changes to the guest houses water supply. Once we determined the materials we needed for the projects Cory called the hardware and put our order in. We were hoping for a 1pm delivery because the supplies were coming from Cape Haitian, only 25 miles but the condition of the roads limit a vehicle to 5-10 mph at best. The supplies arrived at 5:30pm. We dug all the trenches for the PCV, built a stand for the up official on the volleyball court. We layed out the beach volleyball court for the sand but was shot down by the regional director because it took land away from the soccer field :( . We thoughts the kids would really love it. We have a depot full of lumber and PVC for tomorrow!

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