Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Had a great last day! Finished up a few wood working projects. They are ready for varnish. We also put new screens on 4 of the windows in the main house (Cory & Chris).
Some of the regulars along with a few new kids showed up after lunch for our volleyball circle.
John-Pierre had a group of children and a few parents come up to our guest house so we could hand out the toothbrushes and toothpaste. Amazing how these kids will sit for long periods. They love to get there picture taken and then look at it. They were all very grateful. Said my goodbyes to a few of the young men who would visit me each afternoon to talk and learn English.
Still impressed with how happy and friendly all the children are with very little material items. Many if not all do not have electricity or water in there homes.
I know that I have received the greatest blessings just being around them.
I will miss not hearing my name called out from across the campus by the kids.

Monday, February 4, 2013


Worshiped at the church on campus. They had a young guest preacher. Chris translated a very good message about God's Word. Read it, study it, apply it. Only 2 1/2 hrs, and they had 2 hr Sunday school before we got there!
we were asked to stop by the Compassion kids program in the afternoon so we attended that. John-Pierre asked me to say a few words to the children, luckily Anna was with us to translate. John-Pierre was going to pass out the toothbrushes and paste but another group of kids showed up from Port Margot and had about 120 kids. We decided to wait till Monday.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Volleyball practice at 6:30 this morning so Larry & I grabbed a quick breakfast;(pancakes & hot syrup) and went down to watch the young girls and boys.
Afterwards Anna, Loodsoon (neighbor boy), and I went on a hike up the mountain. We've been talking about it all week. It took us about an hour to reach our destination, could have been quicker but I needed a few camera breaks (lol).
It was beautiful; to the north we could see the sea and was surrounded by mountains on the other three sides. The hike back down was even more challenging. Wash day for some in the mountain river.
After lunch we made a new back rest for one of the chairs in the medical clinic. Later in the afternoon we took another excursions down to the river stopping at a few homes on the way
( their cook, a worker, and a small candy booth).
Finished up the day watching the kids practice VB again. Larry & I had a group of 10 or 12 grade school girls around us testing their english, looking at pictures on my phone, and just being funny / laughing / goofy girls. Just a blast!
We had warmed up homemade pizza for dinner with a creme puff and peanut butter cookies for desert.
Tired from all the hiking. Oh yea, weather has been high 70's and low 80's.


Spent the day working on the medical cabinet for the new dentist so he can lock-up his tools. Also the usual after lunch volleyball circle.The minute the volleyball comes out the kids appear out of thin air; from small to big, girls and boys.
Went down at 5 to watch practice and John-Peire (coach) talked me into playing. They all got a kick out of it. I tried not to embarrass myself and even made a few points. There were a few young men on the opposite team that play regularly, so it wasn't me and all kids..... Lol
Tired and ready for bed early!

Thursday, January 31, 2013


The dog pack must have been busy down the road last night and the voodoo drums stopped around 8pm. Gooood night sleep.
Finished mounting the cabinet doors to the hutch and brought into house.
Replaced two more large screens on the guest house and tried a quick patch on a small leak in our plumbing. Just before lunch the young dentist stopped by and requested a cabinet so that he could lock-up his tools in the clinic. We walked to the clinic and looked over his treatment room. I sketched up a cabinet and we worked out the dimensions.....our project for tomorrow.
After lunch I played VB for awhile with the gang that shows up everyday around 12:30. We got into a few more plumbing projects that finished off our day.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Finished our two plumbing projects before noon so we took a tour of Cory's gardens. The vegetation grows at an amazing rate. His workers were harvesting some bamboo that he planted chutes only a
1 1/2 yrs. ago. They were 20' to 30' long. He will give these away to pastors and neighbors.
He has over 2 dozen variety of banana trees growing. The tree fruits once in a lifetime but usually has 3 or 4 plants that seed and grow around it, taking 1 1/2 year to bear a bunch. Other fruit that he is growing; breadfruit, coconuts, grapefruit, avocado, oranges, mango....that I know.
Worked on a shoe rack and played volleyball in the afternoon with the kids.
Wow did I need a shower and the sisters was full.....all the water for everything is gravity feed.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Didn't get much sleep due to the dog barking outside our guest house. Found out he was probably barking at someone that was stealing bananas from the tree near the house. Bananas are a valuable fruit.
We planned on working on the water lines but the PVC glue we bought yesterday was hardened. Sent Jenner to Port Margot to get a new one.
We changed direction and built the dividers for the school.
After dinner i noticed some drums in the distance with singing or chanting...
Chris commented that it is the voodoo drums. Carnival (Mardi Gra) is this weekend, most large cities are gearing up for it.